Our Privacy Pledge
You, the domain visitor, totally control disclosure of your personal information. In "The Bear's Den" Discussion Forum you can use your own name, a nickname, a pseudonym or a number, makes no difference to Smokey. The only info from you that transmits to Smokey's Forum is an "IP" address, which belongs to your Internet Service Provider and is used by you and all the other ISP customers. It is not personally identifying to you on our servers. If you send contributions of emails, (stories, questions, literary or other contributions, Tip-A-Trooper, or whatever) to the Domain webmaster, please tell me whether you want the info posted for the public, and if so whether you want your personal info attached to it. If you want your message posted anonymously, the following pledge applies: Your privacy, including your real name or any other personally identifying information, is of paramount importance to www.utahstatetrooper.com. We will never, for any reason (except on valid court order, from a court of jurisdiction) disclose any such personal information to anybody if you so choose. Just say so, and it will be so! No "if's", "and's", or "but's", nobody gets it, nobody, period! If you want it posted anonymously, the original is destroyed. Your confidence is important to us, and keeping your personal confidentiality is our promise to you!
The Old Bear